Tag Archives for " flight data software "

Mythbusting – Safety Management Systems Help Even the Safest Operators

MYTH: If you have a solid safety management system, you don’t need to monitor flight data.

FACT: Even the best operators can benefit from a flight data monitoring program.

There is a common misconception that safety management systems and tools like flight data monitoring are there to help the operators with the poorest track records to improve. While these tools can be a tremendous help to such operators, introduction of flight data monitoring systems to operators with great safety records can still make a lasting impact.

For one example, look no further than the Bristow Group’s performance from 2007 to 2015.

By any measure, compared against the industry and peers, the Bristow Group had a fantastic safety track record. But even though Bristow was starting from a position where their accident rate was half of their industry, through safety management systems and flight data monitoring Bristow was able to cut their average accident rate by a factor of 10 over a six-year period.

No matter how consistently safe, or how much an operation has been struggling, flight data monitoring can be an incredible tool for driving lasting gains in safety and operational efficiency.

Contact us today for a conversation about how flight data monitoring tools can bring value to your operations.

Kris Garberg – President, Appareo Aviation
