Tag Archives for " Appareo AI "

Josh Gelinske to present at ISR & C2 Battle Management USA

Appareo’s Director of AI Systems, Josh Gelinske, will be presenting at the upcoming ISR & C2 Battle Management USA event.

Josh’s presentation will focus on speech to action, where he will share a brief background on the history of speech recognition and where it is today. Speech recognition isn’t new, it’s been in development for many decades. However, only recently the technology is at a point where it can be useful in a broad range of applications. Josh will cover how it is being used for human machine interfacing via voice user interface (VUI), speech information processing at the edge and finally the edge speech processing capability Appareo has built for the aviation market.

“With the introduction of powerful pretrained language models we will look back on 2018-2019 as the beginning of a natural language processing boom similar to 2012 for image classification. This will unlock a tremendous number of new applications, but also new threats on the multi-domain battlefield. This conference is the premier platform to talk about these technology advancements and what it takes to stay on the cutting edge. ” – Josh Gelinske, Director 

For more information regarding this conference, visit the website here.

If you would like more information on Josh’s presentation or this topic, please contact Josh directly at jgelinske@appareo.com


Appareo Brings AI and FDM Expertise to Panel Discussions at EBACE

Appareo’s Director of AI Systems Josh Gelinske and Vice President of Solutions Brad Thurow are scheduled to participate in two panel discussions during the European Business Aviation Convention & Exhibition (EBACE) in Geneva on May 22, 2019.

View the full agenda here: EBACE Program Schedule

Josh Gelinske

‘Lexi, book me a jet’: Artificial Intelligence and Business Aviation

Moderator: Eric Leopold, International Air Transport Association (IATA)
Josh Gelinske, Appareo
Peter Conrardv, GE Aviation
Bernhard Fragner, CEO & Founder, GlobeAir
Shiv Trisal, Aftermarket Digital Strategy Lead, Collins Aerospace

Description from EBACE website:
While companies like Facebook, Apple and Amazon rollout revolutionary changes to how we interact with machine-learning technology, many are still uncertain on exactly how artificial intelligence (AI) is being used by aerospace businesses. As an industry, business aviation is constantly striving to improve both the way it works and its customer satisfaction. To that end, it embraces technological advancements by constantly adapting to society’s needs. But AI can potentially go far beyond its current uses. Quite simply, AI can redefine how our industry goes about its work. In this session we will share insights by industry representatives on the improvements AI contributes to the aviation sector. We invite you to join us for this exciting panel discussion.

Brad Thurow

FDM – What Do You Need?

Moderator: Johan Glantz, EBAA
Dave Jesse, FDS
Kevin Martin, Aerobytes
Brad Thurow, Appareo

Description from EBACE website:
Whether you were already considering a Flight Data Monitoring (FDM) solution or plan on an acquiring an aircraft already fitted with one, this session aims at discussing the financial and operational impact, as well as the implications it has on your aircraft’s cockpit and on-ground hardware.

EBACE | May 21-23, 2019 | Geneva, Switzerland

EBACE is a premier event and the annual meeting place for the European business aviation community. The exhibition is jointly hosted each year by the European Business Aviation Association (EBAA), the leading association for business aviation in Europe, and the National Business Aviation Association (NBAA), the leading voice for the business aviation industry in the United States. Although EBACE is the only major European event focused solely on business aviation, attendees come from as far as Africa, Asia, the Middle East and North and South America.


Appareo Launches Stratus App with AHRS and ATC Radio Playback

FARGO, North Dakota (July 20, 2018) — Appareo today announced a software addition to the Stratus family of pilot-friendly affordable avionics. Stratus Horizon Pro is a free iOS application that displays a backup Attitude Heading Reference System (AHRS), delivers firmware updates to Stratus receivers, offers Radio Playback, and will soon include Radio Transcription. The company will exhibit this app along with its full line of Stratus products next week at the annual EAA AirVenture Oshkosh 2018 fly-in and expo.

Stratus Horizon Pro displays supplemental attitude information driven by a Stratus receiver — essentially creating a “backup glass cockpit” on your iPad. The AHRS feature aligns itself automatically, so pilots can just turn it on and fly. Pilots will experience a very responsive pitch and bank instrument within the app, which becomes an excellent backup for emergency situations.

When paired with a Stratus Audio Cable, the Radio Playback feature captures Air Traffic Control (ATC) communications and saves them for easy one-touch playback. This gives pilots the ability to repeat radio communications without having to ask for a “say again.”

“Pilots are going to love the ability to tap their iPad for a quick audio playback, rather than ask controllers to repeat themselves,” said Appareo Aviation President Kris Garberg. “But we’re not stopping there. We have more exciting features in development for this app.”

Coming soon in the premium version will be a Radio Transcription feature. Similar to how visual voicemail works, the ATC communications will be converted into text and displayed directly above the audio playback line, providing a helpful visual assist for referencing previous audio clips.

“Receiving a clearance, ATIS or any other important ATC communication has never been easier when you don’t need to write it down,” Garberg said.

The speech recognition and language understanding technology that drives the Radio Transcription feature was custom-designed by the Artificial Intelligence (AI) division at Appareo. “Stratus Horizon Pro is an exciting first step toward AI-assisted technology for pilots,” said Appareo AI Systems Director Josh Gelinske. “We look forward to building on the core of this machine learning technology to reduce workload and increase safety in the cockpit. ”

At a global scale, speech recognition, translation, and transcription features are becoming increasingly more commonplace (e.g. Alexa and Siri). However, ATC communications present many unique challenges for these common speech recognition systems. The high rate of speech, noisy signal, narrow frequency band, and unique location identifiers are among those challenges. Appareo identified that shortfall in the existing technology and set out to develop a speech recognition system that would be customized for aviation.

“By using a custom-designed deep neural network trained on thousands of hours of speech and hundreds of hours of ATC data that we collected and transcribed, we’ve created a speech recognition system which can run on mobile devices without an Internet connection,” Gelinske explained. “Natural Language Processing is also used to interpret the output of the speech recognition system to present it in a more pilot-friendly format. For example, tail numbers, altitudes, runways, and frequencies are transcribed in a way that will be more helpful to pilots.”

Comparison example:

“This new AI technology is the baseline for exciting features we have in our app roadmap,” Garberg said. “The Appareo Aviation product roadmap is focused on creating a safer, more convenient way to fly. It centers around a beyond-glass strategy, which is the future of aviation.”

Stratus Horizon Pro was designed to work with an iPad’s Split View, as well as the new Multitasking or “slide over” feature, which allows users to work with two apps at the same time. This means pilots can have Stratus Horizon Pro displayed as a small overlay, while continuing to run their favorite EFB. The app can be viewed in day mode, night mode, or HUD mode for those that have a heads up display. The Stratus Audio Cable (available to purchase here) is necessary to enable the audio playback feature. No cellular service or internet connection is required to operate the app. Available only for iOS devices.

Stratus Horizon Pro is available for free download from the App Store. For more information about Stratus, visit www.appareo.com/stratus.

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About Appareo

Appareo is a recognized leader in the custom design, development and manufacture of innovative electronic and software solutions for aerospace and agriculture. Through the creative application of cutting-edge technologies, Appareo creates complex end-to-end solutions that include both mobile and cloud-based components. The company is privately held, with world headquarters located in Fargo, N.D., and design offices in Tempe, Ariz. and Paris, France. All Stratus products are designed, developed, built and supported in the USA. The company currently has a network of 540 dealers and was voted 2017 AEA Association Member of the Year.
