Garmin Pilot Adds Configurable Document Viewer, Night Mode and More

Garmin Pilot version 10.1 — now available on Apple mobile devices — brings enhanced capabilities, greater awareness and added convenience into the cockpit. New enhancements to the document viewer now allow customers to configure folders so they can more easily organize documents such as pilot’s guides, cockpit reference guides and more, within the app. Additional features include the display of elevation information in the radial menu, night mode on approach charts, the option to print the navigation log and more.

Document viewer enhancements

Documents stored within the document viewer in Garmin Pilot are now synced across all Apple mobile devices running Garmin Pilot. These folders are also customizable by color and can be reordered for improved organization of documents such as pilot’s guides, cockpit reference guides, checklists and more.

New document viewing and organization options are available with Garmin Pilot v10.1 for Apple mobile devices.

Night mode on instrument approach charts

While flying at night, pilots can now invert the colors on terminal charts, including Garmin FliteCharts or Jeppesen Terminal Approach procedures, for enhanced readability during night flights. When viewing a chart on the map page, within the charts binder, in split-screen view on the synthetic page or while viewing the airport page, pilots have the option to select night mode from the menu in the top right corner within Garmin Pilot. Once selected, night mode is consistently displayed throughout the app. 

iPad displaying night mode approach chart
Garmin Pilot v10.1 for Apple mobile devices features night mode on approach charts.

Navigation log and weight & balance print option

Garmin Pilot uses Apple’s wireless printing technology, AirPrintÒ, to print airport diagrams, FliteCharts, Jeppesen charts, weight & balance load sheets, navlogs, as well as European IFR autorouting briefing packs.

iPad displaying printer options
Wireless printing options are now avialable with Garmin Pilot v10.1 for Apple mobile devices.

Additional features:

  • When the terrain database is downloaded, elevation information can be viewed within the inner circle of the radial menu on the map for pre-flight planning.
  • Pilots can easily view a new logbook report that details the airports they have visited. Each logbook period displays a map with pins to reflect the destination airport, as well as the date, flight time logged and more.
  • The display and animation of lightning has been enhanced on the moving map.
  • Garmin Pilot also supports the Apple Pencil 2 and a variety gestures. 
  • New fields have been added to the logbook entry that allow pilots to record the current oil level, oil added, as well as document squawks experienced with the aircraft during the flight.
Elevation information can be viewed within the radial menu on Garmin Pilot v10.1 for Apple mobile devices.

The newest release of Garmin Pilot on Apple mobile devices is available immediately. For new customers, Garmin Pilot is available in the Apple App Store as a free download for the first 30 days. After the 30-day trial period, customers may purchase an annual subscription of Garmin Pilot starting at $79.99. Garmin Pilot is supported by our award-winning aviation support team, which provides 24/7 worldwide technical and warranty support. Visit for additional information.

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